Sunday, March 2, 2014

Annabelle's Ten-month Update

Annabelle continues to grow like crazy.  She is so happy and smiley these days, and she loves to giggle at funny sounds.  Here's a list of sounds that have gotten giggles lately:
  • zippers on her jacket and sleep sack zipping
  • velcro on her winter coat unfastening
  • a pen clicking in and out
  • Sophie drinking fruit juice through a straw
  • a slinky slapping together after being stretched out
The giggles cannot be stopped.
Sitting was put on hold after the most recent surgery.  Annabelle continues to heal well, though, so we are going to start putting her through her paces again soon.

We're making big strides with vision and hand skills.  She's doing great with passing toys from one hand to the other.  Although she is still slow to follow things with her eyes, she is improving noticeably week to week.  More and more often she is using her eyes and hands together, although still with imperfect results.

We've started feeding Annabelle tiny amounts of sweet potatoes, applesauce, avocado, carrots, and yogurt on a tiny spoon.  She is much more receptive to tasting things, although we haven't had much success getting them much past her lips, and the amount that's being swallowed has got to be negligible.  The amount smeared all over her face, hands, bib, clothes, and seat, however is not to be scoffed at!

Annabelle continues to be a chatty kid.  She is showing signs of being interested in the sounds we make and of trying to imitate sounds, although so far without success.  She shouts when she doesn't want to eat anymore and chirps excitedly almost any time I pick her up.  I hope that I will be able to hear what she has to say some day!

Still no rolling, although she is basically 99% of the way there.  She is so reluctant to be on her tummy that she hasn't had a lot of chance to practice.  We will keep working on it.

Annabelle and Sophie are getting closer and closer as Annabelle gets more interactive.  Annabelle always smiles when Sophie comes near, and Sophie doesn't waste an opportunity to hug and kiss her baby sister, much to Annabelle's delight.  Sophie likes to give Annabelle toys and to help with her bath.

Annabelle suffering her usual fate these days.
Annabelle's revenge.  She is cool as a cucumber, isn't she?

True love
She has been loving the chance to be outside more on the few nice, warm days we've had lately.  I couldn't be more disappointed that they are calling for snow and ice tomorrow.  Come on, Spring!


  1. Finding an Ellen update is like getting a card in the mail. Makes my day.


  2. That last picture is so sweet! I love Annabelle's little smile!
