Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sophie Update

Sophie doesn't get to be the focus of the blog very often, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to write about her latest adventures and accomplishments.

At three years and nine months, Sophie continues to be a lively, funny, imaginative, nonstop chatterbox.  She is getting more and more independent, but she still wants nothing more than to be held or watched, and I can tell that she is jealous of the attention that Annabelle gets.  She is loving her 3-day preschool program and the kids in her class, especially her best friend Portia.  She often tells stories about Portia right after she talks about herself (even to complete stranger, so I know her friend is never far from Sophie's mind.

Independent Sophie on the Sesame Street boat ride at Busch Gardens.  She did great on the kiddie roller coaster too.  I only got to go with her because she was't allowed to go by herself.
Favorite activities these days are coloring and drawing, playing doctor, changing her clothes to suit various activities (such as having a picnic, going to a tea party, putting on a dance concert, or taking a nap), and walking pretend pets on leashes.  She loves to watch Phineas and Ferb and Doc McStuffins and to sing songs from Frozen.  We are loving Dr. Seuss books, and we pick a new one each time we go to the library.  I think both of us would pick I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew as our favorite so far, although The Lorax is up there too. The Arthur books are also recent favorites of hers, although I can take them or leave them.  She can swing for what seems like hours.  She likes to hug/wrestle poor Annabelle when she is practicing her rolling and wiggling on her play mat.

Sophie's "buddies" join us for breakfast.  
An adorable habit of late has been asking us "Do you know what I love about you?" and then telling us.  Can't say I mind that.  I usually get "I love your snuggles," but I have also gotten "I love the way your hair looks," and "I love your seaweed giving."  Keegan also got complimented on his hair.

Sophie has a knack for dawdling and getting distracted by a million things on the way to completing a simple task.  Getting dressed has become a lengthy ritual that involves laying all the clothes out precisely on the floor as they will go on her body and then doing anything and everything to avoid actually putting them on her body.  Usually this is messing with Annabelle, although it can also be climbing on the windowsills, critiquing my bed-making skills, playing with whatever toys can be found, or trying to pick out "extra" clothes to take with us in the diaper bag.  Fortunately, everyone else is usually late to preschool, too.

"Helping" with dinner.
Sophie is definitely getting stronger and can walk for longer distances without asking to be carried.  She likes to have races and to decide ahead of time who is going to win. She lets me win sometimes, and other times can tell that I am letting her win.  And sometimes, she just shoves me out of the way or starts the race when I am still several yards behind her.  Generally, though, she accepts the result of the races with equanimity, so I hope she will be a graceful winner and loser in the future as well.

So, overall, we are proud as can be of our older daughter and can't wait to see how she'll change as she grows.


  1. What a great Sophie update. It has been great seeing her lately.

  2. What a great update and what wonderful pictures! I love Sophie! (And you!)
