Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Annabelle's Seven-month Update

Annabelle is seven months old!  It seems like we just got out of the NICU - time is definitely speeding past.

This was a big month for Annabelle since she had her surgery this month.  We have been slowly adjusting to life with a feeding tube again, but thank goodness we have it since Annabelle's oral feedings have been pretty poor lately.  She is getting plenty during the day as well as a long, continuous feed at night, which is wonderful since we don't have to wake up to feed her AND she is even getting more to eat than when we did get her up to feed her!

It's hard to say exactly where Annabelle is in her development now since we've been struggling with nutrition and feeding so much and since she has been recovering from her surgery for the past week or so.  But I am encouraged by what we've seen over the past few days.  It seems like since Annabelle has stopped spitting up and having "silent" reflux (that doesn't make it all the way up and out), she is much happier, more relaxed, and so much more interactive.

Oh, good one Foxy, that was hilarious!
She is reaching for toys more than ever before and has learned how to grab the sun shade on the top of her bouncy seat and pull it forward and back, an activity that she obviously enjoys and finds fascinating.  She is stronger and stronger at sitting supported and is quickly and easily rolling to her side after being on her back.  We've taken a break from the much-detested tummy time while the tube site heals.

Just chillin' with my sheep.

Annabelle still loves bathtime.  After her surgery we spent about a week filling the tub about halfway to the normal amount and then carefully sponging her to avoid getting the surgery wounds wet.  After our follow-up appointment on Wednesday, I got the go-ahead for regular baths, and you should have seen how excited and happy Annabelle was to be back in her full tub.  She and I have a game we play. If I tell her "Annabelle, show me how you splash!" she will smile devilishly and with much concentration, kick her little legs or slap her arms into the water.  She was very happy to do this again on Wednesday night in her real bath.  She loves having her face washed and is getting better during the dreaded getting-out-of-the-tub operation.

Annabelle's fascination with lights continues.

Mommy, schmommy, there's a sunlit window over there!
I was so happy that she was able to come with us to Christmas Town at Busch Gardens last night.  For those of you who haven't been, Busch Gardens is a huge theme park which at Christmas is decorated with elaborate light displays and tons of Christmas decorations.  I knew Annabelle would love to see the lights, and I think she really enjoyed riding in the stroller past the elaborate displays.

Annabelle also continues to "talk" all the time - our bevy of doctors and therapists always notice her constant commentary.  She has a few new sounds - when she is hungry she will cry with a "maaa-maaa" wail or a "waaa."  She particularly likes to complain indignantly when she is put through terrible medical procedures like being weighed or being laid down upon an exam table.  Even after such ordeals are over, she has to vent her frustrations for a while afterward, until she is satisfied that the message was received.

Annabelle loves having her arms moved to play patty-cake or "How big is Annabelle?"  She likes to "dance" when I hold her hands and move them around.

I think Annabelle's vision is continuing to improve.  She is much quicker to look for the source of a new voice or sound, and she is getting much better at tracking toys and people.  I've even noticed that she is looking at the pictures when I read to her.

I'm encouraged by how things are going post-surgery so far.  I'll let you know how we do in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear that she is doing well after surgery. It sounds like her development is really coming along! I love her monthly pictures with the fox. Every time I see a fox like that anywhere I immediately think of Annabelle. Thanks for the update.
